Saturday, September 3, 2011

The Bill of Rights, as per the Republican Party. on Twitpic

The Bill of Rights, as per the Republican Party. on Twitpic

As posted by @AntiRepubWarior 8.31.2011. A former GOP operative who "has seen the light."

He also has podcasts which describe his experiences in the Focus on the Family organization and political action groups. Very candid expose of the characters involved {some well-known) and the methods they used to advance their religious and political agendas.

Privatizing Unemployment: Bank of America’s Sacramento Coup. Category: Page One from The Berkeley Daily Planet

Privatizing Unemployment: Bank of America’s Sacramento Coup. Category: Page One from The Berkeley Daily Planet

Ali Tweel at Rixos Today

I've been busy 2day hacking n2 rixos security systems si... on Twitpic

Friend Ali Tweel at the Rixos Hotel in Tripoli today.

Darth Vader Reviews Dick Cheney's New Book

Darth Vader Reviews Dick Cheney's New Book: Darth Vader Reviews Dick Cheney's New Book

Best Oscar Winning Movie Trailer Ever

from our friends at Cracked via YouTube. Your smile for the day.

Column: Slut Walks and the future of feminism

Column: Slut Walks and the future of feminism

The new feminism?

Garden closer to heaven | Homes | London Free Press

Garden closer to heaven | Homes | London Free Press

I Love My Mom

Facebook (20)

From Eva Today. Hugs and Kisses!

Do People Get More Conservative As They Age?

Midweek Politics. Food for thought.

Catch 22

For any of you old enough to remember, the main character found himself in a "Catch 22." If he admitted that he was crazy, the army would deem him sane and keep him in-service. If he claimed that he was sane, well, who were they to argue? Of course, either way, he was stuck in an untenable situation. He didn't want to be there.

There are many problems that we face today in this world. Are we in a "Catch 22" or are there strategies that we can use to work our way through the tasks at hand?

Think about it...

Me And Mrs. Jones

As recommended by Bump this morning. Soothe your soul today.