Sunday, September 4, 2011

Conservative Media Inanely Declare Solar Power ‘Doesn’t Work’

Conservative Media Inanely Declare Solar Power ‘Doesn’t Work’: pAh, right wing media.  Can’t live with them.  Can’t stop conservatives from being misled by them. So President Bush had massive tax cuts for the wealthy and destroyed the economy while ballooning the deficit.  But do conservative media declare the tax cuts for the wealthy obviously don’t work?  Of course not.  In fact they call [...]/p

China uses aggressive support policies. Europe recommends TLC.

The Extremist Threat to American Democratic Culture | The National Interest Blog

The Extremist Threat to American Democratic Culture | The National Interest Blog

The development of a stable democracy takes time, and is a fragile entity. Manhandle it at your own peril.

The Landlord

Will Ferrell meets his landlord in this clip from "Funny or Die."

Her sister is even meaner.

The First Labor Day

Photo: Library of Congress. Labor Day Parade, Main Street, Buffalo, NY ca 1900

The first Labor Day parade took place September 5, 1882. It was organized and executed by New York Central Labor Union, an umbrella group representing many different unions.

Photo by Russell Lee, September 1940, Silverton, CO. Miners and their children at Labor Day Parade.

Labor’s struggles: A report from the front - Joseph Williams -

Labor’s struggles: A report from the front - Joseph Williams -

The status of Labor this Labor Day, and the factors contributing to the distress.

People Skills and Personal Strengths - The Core of A Leader

People Skills and Personal Strengths - The Core of A Leader

What are leadership skills, how are they manifested in your performance, and are yours perfected yet?

Borowitz Report - Republicans: Trillions Could Be Cut from Budget if We Eliminate Empathy

Borowitz Report - Republicans: Trillions Could Be Cut from Budget if We Eliminate Empathy

Information Management

Any educator will acknowledge that the selection, control, framing, and method of information delivery is key to learning. Effective teaching involves the art and science of information management. A true artist teaches people without their even being aware, the process at times seems almost effortless to the recipient of the information.

Yesterday, I was involved in a Whitehouse discussion group on the topic of the economy. One of the participants displayed behaviors that disrupted the flow and productivity of genuine information flow. The topic, and any thoughts or ideas related to it, were steered fatally off-track. Other members of the group were disturbed and frustrated by these behaviors, the discussion was dropped, and participants began to examine the problem of the disruptor.

A few of the guys determined that her problem was narcissism, and they have a point. I saw similarities in her behavior to these, as defined by Cynthia Boaz, "FOX "News" Propaganda Techniques...Brainwashing the American Public." Her article can be found at Alternet.

1. Panic mongering
2. Character assassination/Ad Hominem
3. Projection/Flipping
4. Rewriting History
5. Scapegoating/Othering
6. Conflating violence with power and Opposition to violence with weakness
7. Bullying
8. Confusion
9. Populism
10. Invoking the Christian God
11. Saturation
12. Disparaging education
13. Guilt by association
14. Diversion

Whether or not it is an intentional program of indoctrination, or merely a learned and accepted practice on the part of the FOX News organization, the behaviors that they practice, model, and teach on a regular and unrelenting basis do have consequences. Whether their audience and believers know it or not, they are absorbing the counterproductive behaviors and "learning methods" of those sources to which they are continually exposed.

I encourage you to seek information from a variety of sources, and to practice and model behaviors that you would appreciate in others.

more on this topic this week: Making Up Stories: Perceptions, Language, and the Web, by Elizabeth McGuane/Randall Snare

The Climate Change Starter’s Guidebook -

The Climate Change Starter’s Guidebook -

UNESCO publication