Monday, September 12, 2011

For Wayne

Dedicated to my brother Wayne.

He sang this song with his guitar; bottle of Jack, and Marlboro reds on the table by his side.
He composed a beautiful wall mural of guitar castle rising, now on several walls throughout the land.
He was a wise and gentle soul on this earth, and soars with me like eagles in our dreams together.

Wayne, I know you're still pulling for us now.

I'm thinking that you left us here too soon...

My New Favorite Nerdiest Song Ever

For serious science nerds only. The Symphony of Science.
It's a wonderfully significant story. The world of quantum physics.

Taiwanese Perspectives on Rick Perry

Rick Perry from a Taiwanese animation perspective.

No is No in Any Language

Queen: We Are The Champions

Thought for the day for all queens and champions of the world. Freddy rocks on...

IMF Survey: Home

IMF Survey: Home

Do Animals Think Like Autistic Savants?

Do Animals Think Like Autistic Savants?

Captivated by critters: Humans are wired to respond to animals

Captivated by critters: Humans are wired to respond to animals

Twitter: de experiencia literaria a ‘twitteratura’ religiosa

Twitter: de experiencia literaria a ‘twitteratura’ religiosa