Friday, August 12, 2011

Confusing Patriotism and Democracy With Capitalism

Even if you've been hiding under a rock lately, you must know by now that our country has had a few problems these past few weeks and months. Social, economic, political, the list goes on; but one stands out today. Politics.

Last night I received an email from the White House asking me to watch the Republican candidates debate on FOX channel. That was a tall order for me, but in the name of duty, I complied. What struck me as a common thread throughout the debate was an underlying confusion stemming from this: they all seem to confuse patriotism with capitalism. Nowhere in the Constitution of the United States do I recall seeing a plank that prescribes strict adherence to dogged capitalistic principles. Not that capitalism is a bad thing, it's just that democracy in its fundamental form does not require a strict economic theory in order to function. In fact, what we are seeing with these arguments about the debt, deficit, and budget may indicate the complete opposite.
Our democracy is brought to a grinding halt by those who will not compromise on economic principles of free market capitalism.
Last night at the debate, every single one of the candidates raised their hand to pledge No Compromise on raising taxes. This does not bode well for healthy democracy. Government of the people, by the people, and for the people suggests something other than absolutes, particularly when the question is not one of democratic form and substance. Economics does not equal democracy. Somebody should tell the candidates.

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