Saturday, August 20, 2011

Prodigal Greed

If wisdom and knowledge are your form of wealth, you may want to consider whether you have run off and squandered it in wild acquisition. Did you take all of your strength and effort to the marketplace of American dream capitalism, throw everything you had into making money, buying stuff, hoarding money and stuff, investing your wisdom, money, and stuff into getting and making more stuff? How is that working for you now?

Many of us have become caught up in the narrative that America stands for the opportunity to make a lot of money. Really? Maybe could it be that we stand for the proposition that all men are created equal and have the chance to excel at anything they set their minds to, and if they happen to make money at it, well so much the better. But making money may not be the proper target. Shift the focus a few degrees to optimal excellence, being the best that you can and hope to be, and at the same time encouraging others to do the same, and try that approach. All else will follow the lead of what is true and good. Including money and stuff, which you probably won't have time for, and will try to give away, because you'll be too busy working at being excellent.

It looks to me like a win-win-win proposition.

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