Saturday, September 10, 2011

Modeling Good Behavior

Having been a teacher for years, I am always looking for people who model good behaviors, habits, and strategies. The most effective people will in most cases, delivery their content and message while demonstrating the best ways to get your message across effectively. That is how kids learn, and adults are, by definition, just grown up kids.

Here are two examples of modeling. The first is President Obama delivering his message to Congress and the people this week. It is positive, direct, and invites participation. The second is Senator Jim DeMint delivering his message through a secondary source, negative, and churlish. Which one is modeling behaviors which you want yourself? Which is demonstrating behaviors which you would like your children to learn? Which would you trust to lead your country's policy making decisions?

President Obama on the American Jobs Act: Let's Be Ambitious | The White House

Criticism without a plan or alternative options is not effective in changing behaviors in children or adults. Constructive criticism gently reflects the areas in need of improvement, while most of the message includes options for a more positive outcome. This is how people learn. Just a thought from an educator, but modeling good behavior is critical to learning.

You should pass this bill.

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