Thursday, July 19, 2012

Mitt Romney Adviser: 'Real Americans' Don't Care About Candidate's Afghanistan Policy

Mitt Romney Adviser: 'Real Americans' Don't Care About Candidate's Afghanistan Policy

1 comment:

  1. Here we go again -- Romney or one of his surrogates publicly infers that some Americans are inherently more American than are others, and that real Americans are exclusively those that support his candidacy.

    Unlike many self-righteous conservatives, progressives do not believe that some political parties and regions of the nation are more "pro-America" than are others, and we do not wrap ourselves in the flag and indignantly proclaim that patriotism is an attribute exclusive to those who share our ideologies.

    News media to Romney campaign: "So what exactly are you proposing with respect to (fill in the blank)?"

    Their reply: "Proposing? Nothing. It is not Romney's responsibility to present any specifics regarding his policy positions on the problems facing the nation. His job is simply to oppose and denigrate any and every policy emanating from the White House."

    Actually, Romney has hinted that he is deliberately avoiding discussing any details of his vague proposals for fear that doing so would hurt his numbers in the polls.

    I suspect that this is partially true, but he also appears to be clueless about the nuances of the complex problems facing the nation and therefore confines his discussions to vague generalities, banal sound bites, and hyperbolic rhetoric.

    Mitt is vague about specifics on virtually every issue because, in most cases, there are no specifics. He'll continually flip-flop on his policy positions because he is a habitual panderer desperately seeking validation from the voters. He makes crap up because he cannot be bothered with doing his homework so that his comments are drawn from verifiable facts and reflect reality.

    I would suggest that Romney lacks the courage of his convictions, but Mitt doesn't appear to have any convictions.

    Most folks would regard these traits as weaknesses, but Mitt probably regards them as character attributes. Bottom line, if he believes that it will help him to get elected, it's all good.
